

Every year there are several competitions our club likes to take part in. Not only does this provide support for these events but also gives us some great feedback and constructive criticism which we use for improving upon our photography.

This competition is held each year at the Wagin Woolorama by the Wagin Camera Club.  All clubs are asked to submit 15 colour or mono enlargements on a chosen topic.  No more than 3 entries per member.  This competition is held at the beginning of the year in March.

ALBANY INTERCLUB   (competition for country clubs)
This competition is held each year with the Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River, Wagin, Esperance and Goldfields clubs submitting 15 digital images on a club disc on a given topic. The Albany Club organises the competition and the subject is chosen for the next year by the winning club.  A member cannot enter more than 3 entries per year.  Entries are to be in by July.

Selby Club in the UK and Albany Club each submit 25 digital entries on disc (the clubs take turns each year of organizing and arranging for judges)  Once again a member cannot have more than 3 entries. This is usually put together around August – September each year.  The topic is Open.

WAPF INTERCLUB    (Western Australian Photographic Federation)
Held early in the year each photographic club is invited to submit  15 Colour Enlargments, 15 Mono prints, 15 digital entries and the topic is Open.  No more than 3 entries per person accepted.  The club compiles all the entries and sends them away for judging in Perth.

If you require any further information re any of the competitions please don’t hesitate to contact us via email:

"The only photographer you should compare yourself to is the one that you used to be" - Anonymous.